Osteopathy in Olhão
In our Office you will find Osteopathy in Olhão.
Osteopathy owes its birth and the rational codification of its laws to the American osteopath Andrew Taylor Still (1829-1917). Graduated in medicine, he lost three of his children to an epidemic of meningitis. Frustrated at not being able to save his children, Still returned to studying anatomy and physiology with the conviction that drug absorption poses drawbacks for his patients.
In his studies, Still defined four principles on which osteopathy is based:
- Structure governs function;
- The unity of the body;
- Self-healing;
- Self-healing;
For the human body to function optimally, it is necessary that the main systems are in harmony (musculoskeletal, visceral and cranial). The fasciae ensure the functional relationship between the locomotor apparatus, the visceral system and the different systems of the body.
Osteopathy studies the effects that come from the structure, it is based on anatomy, physiology and semiology and the treatment is based on a clinical examination.
Due to the complexity of anatomy and physiology, osteopathic treatments will be a good help in cases:
- sports injuries,
- sprains,
- tendinitis
- headache,
- otitis,
- rhinitis,
- sinusitis
- premenstrual pain,
- digestive problems,
- breathing problems,
“Full trust in the team that always welcomes me with a smile and always with the utmost concern to understand how to help me in the best possible way. Good luck for you, it will always be a team that I will look for whenever I need it.”
João Candeias
“As a client of Gabinete Terapias Manuais I can only say well, several times I have always been very well attended by both Carla and Daniel. Whether in physiotherapy or massage, Carla is exceptional. I recommend to anyone who wants the GTMClinic.”
João Reina
The osteopath will physically examine the patient, who may need to remove some clothing to make the diagnosis. Patient privacy is always respected during this process.
The patient will be asked to demonstrate simple stretches and movements to help the osteopath make an accurate analysis of their posture and mobility.
The therapist will also assess the health of joints, ligaments and tissues using a highly trained touch technique known as palpation.
The osteopath will propose a treatment plan to meet the patient’s needs. This will include the number of sessions likely to be needed, although this number may change depending on the patient’s response to treatment.
Osteopathy emphasizes self-healing, so it can also advise dietary changes, home exercise programs, and lifestyle adjustments.
Handling and hands-on work is smooth, but due to the physical work performed, an osteopathy patient may experience pain for the first 24 to 48 hours.